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Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture

ModernAcu combines all of the modalities of Traditional Chinese medicine into your appointment as needed: You will receive acupuncture, moxabuxion, cupping, gua sha and herbal medicine as needed during each appointment to address your health issues thoroughly.

Licensed acupuncturist Paige Sheffield brings patients a natural, yet scientifically sound, approach to chronic and acute health issues.

Paige has trained extensively with over 8 years of formal higher education and many more years continuing education with a variety of respected teachers. She has qualifications in medical massage, reflexology, counselling, and aromatherapy. She teaches qigong and tai chi locally. She brings her wide experience in the holistic health field to help her patients find a more vibrant level of health and wellbeing.

She currently is a student of Dr. Edward Neal, founder of Neijing Nature-based Medicine. Her main clinical focus is the treatment of digestive problems and women’s health issues. Infertility and IVF support are areas where Paige has pursued advanced training and has a loyal following of happy patients.

As a clinician, Paige is known for her gentle, compassionate way with patients who have struggled for years to find answers and solutions to their health issues.

Licensed acupuncturist Paige Sheffield brings patients a natural, yet scientifically sound, appro... Read More

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Located at: 1155 Pocatello Creek Rd, Suite A - next door to Denture Arts, Pocatello
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